Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Tickle Me Tuesday

I spend a great deal of time trawling the internet and compiling things I like on Pinterest (follow me here if you like!) so I thought joining in with Yes, Teacher's Tickle Me Tuesdays would be a great way to share some of these many things. It's exactly as it sounds, sharing things that have tickled you this Tuesday :) Here goes!

1. These incredible creations from Suami. They're so impossibly tiny and wonderful and I can't fathom how one can possibly create something that small, but I want to learn! Check out the etsy store for more of the glorious things.

2. These great glass drink bottles from Faucet Face. They're far more environmentally friendly than using tonnes of plastic ones, and really, I just think Faucet Face is a great name for a business :P

3. This tutorial for colourful crochet balls from Eat Drink Chic. I think they'd look great strung up as a garland, don't you? Definitely on my list of things to try out!

4. The Beatles at the beach pretty much made my day. I simply adore them.

5. I'm enjoying All Through Winter, the debut album Georgia Fair, and particularly this song.

Well, those are the things that have tickled me this fine Tuesday! Head back to Yes, Teacher! to see what's tickled others, or to join in yourself!

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