Sunday, September 2, 2012

Crochet Coral Reef

Open Drawer have been playing host to Melbourne's Crocheted Coral Reef recenlty. Is it not just the most marvellous thing you've ever seen?!!
 I'm quite enamoured with it, as it combines two of my very favourite things in the world - crochet and weird sea creatures...not to mention all the pretty colours.
The display of the reef spanned throughout two gallery rooms and the staircase/hallway of Open Drawer, and that wasn't even all of it, as so many talented people have contributed their quirky hyperbolic coral creations to this wondrous spectacle. 

 The Melbourne reef seen here is a 'Satellite Reef' chapter of the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef Project, which began in America and has several satellite chapters world wide, to raise awareness of how human activity affects our incredible reefs. It's definitely a project worth looking into if you haven't already!

 Sadly, the exhibition closes tomorrow, but I was lucky enough to get to do a little workshop with some of the ladies involved in the Melbourne reef, and I will be attempting to create a little bit of my own coral! Endless yay!

 While all the colours and weird shapes were just ridiculously amazing, I think my favourite piece of the entire exhibition was actually this giant squid with its loooong, drapey tentacles and big, comical eyes. 
 The Melbourne reef moves around to different galleries and spaces occasionally, so if it ever comes near you, do not hesitate to check it out!
Did you see the reef while it was at Open Drawer? Or have you seen it elsewhere? Or, have you even seen or been involved in a satellite reef somewhere in the world? I'd love to know about it!

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