Monday, August 12, 2013

Hello! ...umm..again...

Errrm... hello again blog (and tiny amount of blog followers!). It's been a scary amount of time since I last posted and unfortunately the nature of my lost post was also along the lines of 'it's been a while since I last posted'...oh dear.

But I don't wish to leave this blog abandoned! Essentially, over the last year and a half, I've been transitioning from uni student to almost proper adult, working a proper full-time office job. I thoroughly enjoy my proper job, (my boss even leaves me motivational notes on my desk, as pictured below) but I find that working 9am - 5pm leaves me with a lot less craft time and strong urge to take a lot of naps. I now spend a lot of my non-work time drinking over-sized cups of tea and watching nerdy television (Sherlock anyone?). I'm also finding that this transitionary period is leading to ongoing revelations about life/balance/creativity and also that being in one's early 20s is a super weird time of life, who knew?! 

And so maybe it's time for this blog to go through a bit of a transition (particularly as when I started 'Feltasaurus' it was to display my needle felted pieces, and alas I haven't felted anything in ages!) but we'll see what happens as I make a concerted effort to get things happening again over here. 
Are there any other early 20-somethings out there finding the stage between student life and proper adulthood a little weird to navigate?

Ohhh, and what an awful time to leave my blog so abandoned! Apparently, it turns out that my DIY Ombre Fishtail Friendship Bracelet tutorial has been getting a lot of love over on Pinterest and was even featured on Becoming Martha (thanks heaps!). I feel rather awful that I've not been able to greet these new visitors to my humble little blog and offer them a cup of tea, so I'm extending a big retrospective thanks to everyone that visited in my absence!

Thanks y'all, I will make sure that we talk again soon!

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